Page 3 Models: Achieve Your Dreams

  • Claire Louise

Page 3 models are somewhat of a controversial issue in the UK! They’re known as page 3 models simply because they appear on page 3 of popular newspapers like The Sun. The reason they invite so much criticism is that a lot of people don’t believe this is the right place for them – they are topless models in what is essentially a family newspaper! There are arguments against it perpetuating ‘lad culture’ and even violence against women, but then there is also an argument for personal choice.

We have covered the debate previously in this article, and I have personally written about my views, too. There is, however, a space for glamour models, even if page 3 models cease to exist.

How Do People Become Page 3 Models?

A lot of people apply to be a page 3 model through The Sun’s ‘Page 3 Idol’. For example, Lucy Vixen (real name Lucy Collett) won the competition in 2012. She’s now gone on to be absolutely huge in terms of fame in her own right, and has appeared in the newspaper and several other titles ever since.


You can enter the contest every year, but you can also apply to glamour modelling agencies to make a name for yourself first, as this is also a way in.

What Kinds Of Girls Can Be Page 3 Models?

There’s a misconception about page 3 models which says that you have to be skinny and with large breasts. Whilst this is true in many cases, they’re looking for a lot more than this in general.

For example, Lucy Vixen is proud to be paving the way for ‘plus size’ girls to get to where they want to be in the glamour modelling world.

On the other side of the scale, there have recently been more petite models, who have had smaller breasts to appeal to a wider demographic.

Most page 3 models have unfortunately been white girls over the years, but that does NOT mean that women from a range of backgrounds cannot apply. Diversity in modelling still has a long way to go, but things are changing.

Being photogenic and having a range of sultry or cheeky poses in your repertoire also helps, as does a generally conventionally ‘pretty’ face. However, glamour models can and do wear lots of make up, so it’s worth applying anyway.

Perhaps the most important thing you need to join the ranks of the page 3 models is confidence. After all, you will be appearing topless nationally, so shyness isn’t really going to help. Being coy is fine, sure, but you need to believe in what you’re doing and really weigh up any consequences you may personally have from getting involved. Remember, once images are out there, you can’t take them back!

Opportunities For Page 3 Models

Once you’ve been one of the page 3 models, the glamour modelling world is your oyster! Girls who’ve posed in The Sun have gone on to be stars of FHM, Nuts, Zoo, Front, Maxim and Loaded, among many other top titles.

It’s not only print work! Page 3 models have also been voted for titles such as the ‘sexiest woman’ in the world. Plus, these girls are given the chance to travel across the world for shoots, meaning they see some of the most exotic and exciting locations for free!

As if this wasn’t enough, many page 3 models have left The Sun, but thanks to their connections, they’re a star in their own right. They have merchandise, careers in the public eye, opportunities to do other kinds of modelling, and even the chance to become actresses or TV stars.

Page 3 Models: Not Just Pretty Faces

Page 3 models actually raise money for charity, if they’re a part of The Sun’s official campaign. They’ve raised plenty of funds for the chosen charity, which is Help For Heroes.

Plus, many of the page 3 girls actually go on to use their platform of fame for other things which require plenty of talent. For example, Mellisa Clarke is a respected DJ.



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