Models with Freckles are Beautiful
Models with freckles may be concerned that opportunities in the industry may be slim. However, the reality is very different with the facial markings to be viewed as a sign of beauty and featuring the freckled faces on the front of fashion and beauty campaigns. The modelling industry is slowly becoming a diverse place that accepts a variety of skin tones and complexions and therefore, models with freckles are included within the new approach. Freckles compliment auburn or brown hair beautifully and the coverage varies depending on the person. Yet it is encouraging to witness different skin types within the fashion industry arena and for individuals to passionately campaign for a change to happen.
Photographer, Brock Elbank has created a new series – Freckles – of portraits featuring freckled faces. Intent with showcasing raw beauty, he has captured “visually rich individuals” – as he describes their constellations of dots. Freckled individuals usually view their markings as imperfections and blemishes yet Elbank is convinced otherwise. He believes that beauty is about locating unique, striking facial features and attributes that to him are absolutely incredible! His most recent work shoots portraits of freckled models that are natural and raw. The models do not wear clothing, which adds to the images as some have freckly shoulders and he did not want fashion pieces to distract from the focus. Each shot includes the face and shoulders and therefore, clothing would only clutter the picture and give the image a less intense impact on the spectators.
The most important message that the series of portraits has given to society is that freckles are beautiful! He has changed the way in which individuals view freckles and how those who have them feel about themselves. Purposely choosing characters who dislike their facial feature due to teasing and bullying at school has given confidence and reassurance that the arrangement of dots are in fact, desired and do not need to be hidden with make-up. Brock has captured people from all over the world showcasing that all races, nationalities and genders have freckles and should be celebrated rather than disguised. He loves to make people feel at ease and relaxed to get the perfect shot to eradicate nerves and shyness from the image. His aim to show freckles in all their glory will hopefully, ensure that people are proud rather than hating their image.
It is a forever evolving industry and with photographers like Brock Elbank who wish to explore beauty, freckled models will find their permanent position in the industry. Models will no longer wish to hide their natural face and begin to feel more confident about their appearance. If you wish to embark on a modelling career that is non prejudice against freckles now is the time to pursue your dreams. The industry is constantly expanding accepting a variety of skin tones, which was evident last year when Chantelle Brown-Young entered America’s Next Top Model. Have confidence and belief in your appearance and facial features and you will succeed! Do not become demotivated with rejection as this is simply a part of the modelling industry and not due to freckles!