Extras Wanted for Films and TV Programmes
Extras wanted is a reality in the TV and film industry as movies and programmes would not look realistic without these small roles to appear in the majority of scenes. Extras are used to make a chanting crowd, a busy cafe or a lively nightclub as neglected scene is unrealistic and doesn’t make the desired impact. Many models take the extras roles as the flexibility suits their diary as both industries hire talented individuals for short bursts of time and until the shoot is complete. Models are used to the long hours, early starts, working with new people and in front of a camera. It is the perfect way to earn some money without affecting your modelling career as the work is usually temporary and on an ad hoc basis.
Those wishing to be an extra should sign with an agency who supplies the extras wanted to the films and TV shows. If you match the description needed for a particular scene you will be contacted for a role to check your availability and meet the casting agents. As the modelling industry is a very unpredictable field to work in getting the call from an extras agency with a new opportunity is welcomed to pay the rent or bills. Emerging models may not yet have a full time income to begin with so other roles in a different industry is the perfect way to build up a busy schedule that will provide financial back up until the modelling roles begin to flood in. Although this may be a temporary situation it is important that you take each role seriously as the scene is important to those who are creating the film or TV series.
Extras are required to be confident yet natural on screen as although the roles are small they need to be performed well to appear realistic. Over exaggerated movements will not be greeted will a positive reception as the scene will look odd and out of place. Imagine that you are actually doing the action in your daily life to ensure that you are natural. Sipping tea, chatting to a friend or ordering a drink does not need to be over acted but fit seamlessly into the background. You will be directed previously but it is essential you listen and follow carefully as the schedule needs to be followed without mistakes from the extras. You may have to repeat your action numerous times until the shot is perfect so ensure that you are positive and enthusiastic at all times as a bored, irritated extra is not a desired look. You may be hired to begin early and finish late to ensure the scene is suitable so stamina, patience and an easy going attitude is required. If you are directed to shout loudly in a crowd or dance in a night club it is important that you muster the will to do so even if it is the tenth or twentieth time you have delivered the action. Always give it your best shot without overthinking as first impressions are vital and could potentially lead to more work.