So, You Want To Be A Cheerleader?
Cheerleading is a great sport to help you get fit and toned. It’s also great for helping to achieve the model poise and confidence that you’ve been looking for.
Hang on, sport? YES. Cheerleading is a sport – and it’s huge in places like America, where competitions and tournaments are held. It’s even getting funding to appear in future Olympic games.
Cheerleading is a very popular activity for girls (and boys) who want to exercise whilst having fun. Now it’s offered in a lot of schools, and there are squads all over the country who practice regularly.
What Do Cheerleaders Do?
Cheerleading isn’t all about cheering on other sporting teams from the sidelines – most cheerleaders are too busy getting ready for their own competitions!
There are lots of organisations who hold such competitions at different levels, for cheerleaders of all ages. Some teams are all-girl, whilst others are co-ed.
Cheerleaders can start at any age (there are even University and adult teams), but it obviously helps to start as young as possible to be the best that you can be.
What Skills Are Needed?
Cheerleading isn’t about waving a few pom-poms. A lot of the time, these aren’t even used (sorry to burst your bubble). It’s a very intensive sport, requiring skills in dance, gymnastics, stunting and jumps.
You need to be at least moderately talented in all or most of these areas in order to be chosen to compete. Stunting is especially complex and requires total teamwork. A flyer is thrown up to perform aerially, whilst the strength and discipline of the group – including bases and a backspot – is put to the test. It’s imperative for safety that everyone is attentive and knows their role.
Your abilities will help your cheerleading captain decide which level you should compete at. Levels start at Level One and go all the way up to Level Eight. Those performers are incredibly talented, requiring years of practice and dedication.
What Makes A Good Cheerleader?
Whilst the above skills are obviously highly relevant, the clue is in the name. A cheerleader should be cheery, and a winning smile will literally win you points at competitions. It’s also implied in the name that a cheerleader should be able to raise morale, so confidence and a good attitude at all times is a must. Good posture, poise, dedication and commitment all help as much as flexibility and experience.
Cheerleaders come in all shapes and sizes, and as teams have to practise so often together there can be a real sense of unity and friendship.
It’s Harder Than It Looks…
Cheerleading is a lot harder than it looks. It’s a great sport for models as it can keep you in shape whilst teaching you discipline and giving you confidence.
You’ll also get practice ensuring hair and make up fits a particular standard, just like at a modelling job!
Have you tried cheerleading? How did you find it? We’d love to hear all about it…