Is female modelling your dream career?
Are you clued up on the requirements, specifications and demands of the industry?
Look no further, our guide to female modelling is just what you need.
Is modelling for you?
It’s harder than it looks.
The first thing you need to do is find out whether you have what it takes to model and then to start approaching agencies with evidence to prove you have the right credentials.
The best way to approach modelling agencies is with a portfolio as there is no better way to demonstrate the potential you have. There is no easy way of becoming a fashion model, as very few candidates will meet the expectation of potential modelling agents, but there are a lot of tips and tried and tested methods that UK Models can help you with.
Becoming a female model is not just about having the right look and style, there are many more requirements if you truly want to succeed in this industry.
Do you have a professional portfolio?
First impressions mean everything and if you haven’t gone to the effort of working with a photographer and stylist to create a portfolio, then you haven’t yet found out if modelling is for you.
Your portfolio needs to stand out from the rest and quality means everything, you want to show how versatile a model you are and that you have a distinct and individual look and style.
Remember trying to model without a portfolio is like trying to find a job without a CV. It’s all about being proactive as a model and showing potential agencies that you have the drive and determination to succeed.
If you don’t already have a portfolio then this maybe something we can help you to create and build if we believe you show model potential.
A great personality goes a long way!
You need to have a great personality, be able to work with a host of professionals such as hair stylists and photographers and also be very strong willed as there will always be a certain amount of rejection.
To be a model you have to have a motivation, determination and maturity as well as patience. The modelling world can be very chaotic, and you need to be able to stay grounded, and have the support of a good agent and family as the more in demand you are as a model, the more you will travel and spend time away from home.
The Lowdown
A Commercial model is used to advertise a specific product or service, for example, a brand of toothpaste or kitchen product. Agencies rarely have specific requirements for Commercial models in terms of height or frame and they are often looking for a model to have a more attainable look than high fashion models.
The Commercial market may not be as glamorous as high fashion but it often results in models having a longer and more successful career.
Commercial models will be chosen to be the face of a product because they reflect the client/brand/companies ideal customer or who they think their clients can relate to and therefore encourage them to buy the product.
To find out more about what it takes to be a Commercial model please do not hesitate to register online and one of our New Face consultants will be in touch to answer your questions.
The Specifications
It has never been a more exciting time to become a catalogue model. There are thousands of clothing companies that use catalogues to sell their ranges and this number has grown significantly over the years with online shopping and companies of any size being able to set up online stores.
Collections and models can also be changed and restyled online for much less than it would if they had to reprint everything which means that as and when new products come in they will be looking for models to advertise them on their websites. Like Commercial modelling an agency will be looking for a model that reflects the personality of the brand and their clients target market.
A catalogue model unlike a high fashion model are more likely to get on-going work as a company will often employ you for a whole season and shoot many images often over a number of days or even weeks.
To find out more about becoming a catalogue model and how we can support you just register online and speak to one of our new faces consultants.
Petite Models:
The industry is evolving.
More and more high street brands are recognizing the fact that people come in all different shapes and sizes and by only providing sleeves and trouser legs in a few standard sizes they are missing out on the rest of the population.
As a result of this high street, brands are creating separate petite destinations in their shops and online which has meant that the shorter model is more in demand than they have ever been before. High street brands and online retailers understand that by using petite models to advertise their shorter sizes they are giving the customer a more realistic picture of what they would look like in the outfit.
To find out if you have petite model potential why not register today to see how UK Models can support you?
High Fashion:
The Requirements
High fashion models are those that you see walking the runway and advertising top brands in magazines.
To make it as a high fashion model you would firstly need to fit the industry standards height requirements which are normally over 5 foot 7, (although agencies do slightly differ in the exact measurements). The reason for this is that. designers feel that their clothes hang better and therefore look better on taller models. Only working with models over a certain height also allows them to ensure consistency throughout runway shows.
To find out more about breaking into high fashion modelling please do not hesitate to register online and speak to one of our new faces consultants.
Plus Size Models:
A diverse industry
As explained in petite modelling more and more high street stores are waking up to the fact that women are not all the same size and shape and in doing so creating collections to tailor for the more curvaceous women.
It is not just at high street level either, high-end model agencies are now signing plus sized models and finding that they are very much in demand. Some have even created their own divisions to cater for this and the models have featured in both magazines and on major campaigns.
To find out more about breaking into plus size modelling register online and speak to one of our new faces consultants.
A new approach
Clients, brands and companies today are getting more experimental and adventurous in the models they choose to promote their products and services. Rather than just girl next door looks they are looking for models that their customers can relate to. This has meant that people that look quite unique or have a particular look or style are in demand for modelling work.
There are a number of agencies that specialise in real models however many Commercial and catalogue agencies also understand the demand for models having the ability to portray uniqueness and personality and have many on their books.
Classic Models:
Age is just a number
There is a growing demand for classic female models which may be because people nowadays are living a lot longer than they did 30 years ago and advertisers realizing that there is a market out their that has otherwise been ignored.
Not only are we living longer but in doing so we are also healthier and the older generations have money to spend. Using older models to advertise products, services and clothes mean that companies can target their particular market and people can relate to the model and are more likely to see themselves using or purchasing the product or seeing how the service could benefit them.
Classic female models over the last five years have been seen in many beauty campaigns, selling luxury goods and services and even walking high fashion catwalks.
If you think you have what it takes to make it as a classic model then why not email us at and we can make agency recommendations for you.